Thursday, May 20, 2010

&Everybody Draw Muhammad Day&: Necessary Corrective or Insensitive ...

&Everybody Draw Muhammad Day&: Necessary Corrective or Insensitive ...

May 20 has been dubbed Everybody Draw Muhammad Day after a series of events involving cartoon depictions of the Muslim prophet Muhammad have resulted in death threats, protests, and counter-protests. The final straw in the decision to ...

Everybody Draw Muhammad Day. I wrote about Everybody Draw Muhammad Day in an earlier post : I think the idea is in bad taste and here&s why : When South Park lampoons public figures, celebrities and holy figures, they are doing it as ...

Everybody Draw Muhammad Day. I wrote about Everybody Draw Muhammad Day in an earlier post : I think the idea is in bad taste and here&s why : When South Park lampoons public figures, celebrities and holy figures, they are doing it as ...

Everybody Draw Muhammad Day. I wrote about Everybody Draw Muhammad Day in an earlier post : I think the idea is in bad taste and here&s why : When South Park lampoons public figures, celebrities and holy figures, they are doing it as ...

May 20 has been dubbed Everybody Draw Muhammad Day after a series of events involving cartoon depictions of the Muslim prophet Muhammad have resulted in death threats, protests, and counter-protests. The final straw in the decision to ...

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